Saturday 25 April 2015

Tips For Maintaining a Diet That Works for You

Let's be honest. Eating clean isn't always easy. It's easy in theory, but in practice it can feel more than a little bit overwhelming - especially if you try to make too many changes at once. 

Every so often I get asked by someone with newly discovered food allergies for any tips that I could share to make the transition any easier. These are just a few things that I've found to be true when it comes to eating and cooking on a paleo-esque, gluten free diet.

 I think the key thing for people to remember is that eating for optimal health is a process of trial and error. It's important to try new things whether it be recipes or food groups. Unless you have a food allergy/intolerance it's ok to gradually ween yourself off of eating certain foods if you feel like cutting it out altogether is too overwhelming. Don't get caught up in diet dogmas saying that you absolutely can't have x,y, or z if you feel like you can benefit from it. On the flip side realize that there are some foods you might crave that are harming your health.

Just remember whatever your food/health goals are that it's all a process and it will get better as you get better. 


Do any of you have any tips or reminders that you've found to be helpful in staying inspired to eat clean?

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